Do you have a friend whom you could call at 2 a.m. if you needed him? Unfortunately, few men do. Everyday crisis occurs because men are living in isolation.
- 27% of children grow up in fatherless homes.
- Men ages 18-34 spend more time playing video games than boys ages 12-17.
- Only 1 in 10 men have a friend they can call when they need help.
The Gathering of the Miami Valley exists to change this by connecting men to men, and men to God. Transformed men lead to a transformed community.
VISION: A community being positively transformed by men who have been transformed by Christ.
- The Gathering views connecting as the first step towards growth and transformation. This is about intentionally opening yourself up to the idea of community.
- We are all created to be in community. In regularly community with other Christ-followers men can begin to build trust.
- When men are able to build trust with each other they learn that they have support. Knowing they have a safe place, they become confident and free to grow.
- As men grow and mature in Christ they are able to become better leaders for their families and communities.
Through The Gathering men grow as fathers, husbands, leaders, and Christ followers.
Locker Rooms
- These are our small groups within The Gathering where deeper relationships are formed. Join a Locker Room
Outreach Breakfasts
- These semi-annual events attract hundreds of men to hear nationally known speakers and to be challenged to grow as Christ-followers. View Events Calendar
Lunch Series