Join us in a Locker Room!
Each Locker Room small group is a little different, but the one thing they all have in common is living life together and growing in the Lord!
Invite a Friend to Join!
Seeking community can often feel impossible on your own. Now it is your turn to invite someone into your community! Talk to your Locker Room leader to see when is the best week to invite someone to visit / join your group.
Lead a Locker Room!
You don't need to be a theologian to be a great Locker Room leader. You do need a commitment to investing in men and seeing them grow in Christ and community. Talk to Jeff Pinkleton, (937) 206-5595, if you are interested in Leading a Locker Room in your area.
The men in our Locker Room have become great friends as
they encourage and challenge my walk with Christ. The
laughter, openness, and discussions challenge me to become
a better Christ-follower, husband, father, and friend.
- Nick Christian, Locker Room Leader
Join us on a Retreat!
Take a step forward in growing your walk with Christ by changing your pace, place, and perspective on a Retreat with men of The Gathering! If God in flesh, Jesus himself, needed to retreat, who are we to think we can go and go and never stop?
Invite a friend on a Retreat!
Give yourself and someone in your community permission to refresh. Talk to Jeff Pinkleton (937) 206- 5595 about which upcoming retreat would be the best fit (time, location, theme) for you and your friend.
Lead or Host a Retreat!
Lead a group of men through an experience that allows them to change their perspective and refresh their relationships with each other and with God. Talk to Jeff Pinkleton, (937) 206-5595, if you are interested in Leading a Retreat for men in your area.
When men get away you can see the stress leave, the
walls come down and they draw closer to Jesus. I go on
these trips to refresh myself, but my biggest role is to
work to bring men with me to refresh in the presence of
God, becoming more of who God made them to be.
- Tim Hoeweler, Retreat Leader
Join CornerMen!
CornerMen is a group of individuals dedicated to connecting men to men and men to God by stepping into their corner through: monthly giving and regular intercessory prayer.
Invite a friend to Give!
Consider attending, hosting, and or leading a Champions' event to share the mission of The Gathering with your friends and family. Some examples of past events include backyard concerts & dinner parties called House Parties. Email, if you are interested in hosting or leading an event.
Lead with our Events Team!
Lead with one of our Gathering Teams! There are several teams with an awesome group of volunteers that make our large outreach breakfasts & fundraising events happen! They would love to include you! Email, if you are interested in joining the team.
I started giving to The Gathering after I started to
understand the mission. I knew I was already giving my
time to something great, so my treasure soon followed.
- Thomas White, Gathering CornerMan
Join in sharing your story!
Take a step to highlight God's work in your life by going and sharing your story with a friend, neighbor, your locker room, at an event, through a newsletter, podcast, social media, etc. We'd love to brainstorm and help make it happen!
Invite others to pray alongside you!
Take time to pray for God to lead your next step in His Kingdom work and invite your Locker Room and others to support you in prayer. God's direction will vary from man to man, so we encourage you to lean in to listen to God's voice on what your next step looks like for you.
Lead as God directed!
This action step requires you to follow through with the direction God has given you. Use your spiritual gifts and "tend the field" God's called you to go. Do not wait! Take the lead in following through any direction God asks of you.
Sharing my story was as beneficial and healing for me, as it
may be for any of the listeners. I believe that God uses
testimonies and stories because he wants to do those
same amazing acts again! When we share our stories, we
give others the opportunity to learn, be encouraged, and
to take steps in their own growth and maturity. Men need
to hear that they aren't alone in their struggles and sharing
our stories breaks down walls of loneliness and isolation.
- Greg Nerger, Pinkleton Pull-Aside Podcast Guest
Join our Mailing List!
Sign up to receive our monthly emails. These newsletters include prayer points for the Gathering. We would love for you to pray alongside us as we seek to "Connect men to men and men to God." The newsletter also provides opportunities like upcoming events, resources impacting other men, and ways to serve our community.
Invite a friend to Pray!
Share the mission and needs of The Gathering with a friend! We want as many people praying for the men of the Miami Valley as possible. Consider inviting someone to pray with you!
Lead a Prayer Meeting!
Could you lead a group of people to pray for the men and the leaders in our community? Consider your Sunday school / church groups, friends, family, coworkers, etc. Let us know and we would love to join you, (937) 206-5595!
I believe the power of prayer is immense and when prayer
is offered for a mission as important as the one The
Gathering has, it's exciting to think of what God might do.
Each time I take time to pray, I not only support and
encourage the connecting of men to men and men to God,
but I myself connect with The Creator and align myself
with His will. It's a huge win!
- Kathy Stouffer, GMV Prayer Partner